Sunday, 4 January 2015

Hakuna Matata

University is a unique world on its own full of ups and downs. Issues concerning academic grades, provision, family, emotions, and the likes begin to crop up. The student faces the challenge of combining these issues with his academics. Pressure and anxiety begin to set in; which inevitably lead to worry.
Worry is a common phenomenon among people in the universe today. It is a major death causal agent. Serious health issues like High Blood Pressure, Hypertension, nervous breakdown, addictive habits and so on stem from the root called worry. A prominent feature of worry is a high level of anxiety which adversely affects your day-to-day activities, social relationships and career. Excessive worrying about a problem does not solve the problem, but only makes it worse. There are ways to face issues and challenges on your academic sojourn and come out stronger and better.

The prime practice to be adopted is a positive attitude. Develop a positive attitude towards challenges, trials and failures. This gives you the enablement to learn from the consequences of your past mistakes and move on to succeed right where you have failed earlier. Be optimistic about your goals and ambition. It fuels your zeal and passion to press on even in the ugly face of tests and tribulations. Being optimistic makes you see advantages in disadvantageous situations; it helps you to realize the possibility in every impossible condition. Solutions begin to emanate when you develop a positive attitude towards your problems. Always remember that "a positive attitude gives you fortitude to reach the high altitude of your dreams".
Another important thing to do in the face of failure is to protect your self-esteem. Believe that you have the strength it takes to pass through the challenges. The solution to every problem you encounter lies within you. Do not look down on yourself. If you want to be independent in life, you have to be confident and prudent. See tribulation as an examination one has to undergo in order to excel in this terrestrial ball.
In addition, when you are caught up in the winds of trials, what you should do is to relax. Yeah! Relax and don't get yourself worked up. Calm down and live a stress-free life. Answers do not come when you are busy worrying about the problem. In the same vein, good association helps a lot when going through life issues. Real friends make the burdens a lot easier to bear. Problems are solved when shared with the right company.

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